The Perplexus Maze Game by PlaSmart, Inc. is an awesome challenging game! You have to abandon your normal thinking that all games are two-dimensional. This 3D game has you holding it above your head and then leaning forward to look down deep inside the game all to make sure this little ball is on the right path!
You want so bad to get to the finish! HaHa…which by the way I have not been able to do yet! You know how you use to challenge yourself with a rubix cube growing up. Think of this as this generation’s challenging intellectual manipulation game. Instead of flipping colors around you are moving the sphere around in all directions.
The directions make it out to be easy. You start at the start here grooves and then follow the numbers to get to the finish. Yeah!! Don’t let the directions fool you! It is not a one time and you have mastered the game kind of thing….this takes practice but, it is a fun practice I want to try again and again until I can WIN! I even shook it to see if I just get the ball to go to the end…that did not work. 🙂
As a former teacher myself I can see where this would be great for fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Also, the concentration it requires to play! Teaching children to stay focused is not an easy task. I am glad to see a game without all the flashing lights, bells, and whistles that can keep their attention.
The only difficulty I found with the game is that the numbers are a little hard to see. That may just be my bad eye sight though.
It is just like the box says, “Easy to Play…Hard to Master”.
Fun Playing Facts
- No batteries needed
- For ages 6 and up
- Contains challenging tracks with 100 barriers
You can find out more at and connect on Facebook Page and Twitter.
To purchase one check them out on Amazon
This will be under the tree this year at our house!
UPDATE to This Review:
Unfortunately, because I was 100% honest with my opinion on this review I will not be able to offer you {my readers} a giveaway of this product.
I wrote this review with my 100% honest opinion! I submitted my review to the company like requested because they stated after approval of a positive review before I post it they would offer a giveaway to go along with it, if they liked it.
After I submitted this review I was told that I had a negative comment in the review and, “If you wish to keep the review as is, that is up to you but we will not participate in a giveaway. If you do make the changes, please send the draft again. ”
So, I took it out and resubmitted. Then, I was approved for a giveaway but, then I started thinking about it! My honest opinion is all I have! My words are what I offer all of you! Then this company wants me to not tell you the truth!
The overall review was not negative, it was very positive and I do like the product! All I said was the numbers were a little hard to see and like I said that may just be my bad eye sight.
Disclosure: Baby Costcutters was sent a Perplexus for review. My opinions are 100% mine and may differ from those of your own.
jeannine s says
I will be honest as say this makes any review and giveaway i read now suspect if they won’t let you do a giveaway because of one thing you didn’t like about it. Isn’t a review suppose to be what you liked and didn’t liked about the product?
Sarah says
Honesty is the best policy. Everyone is entitled to an opinion!
Shame on them not wanting you to tell the truth.
Ashley Pomykala says
I am sorry that that happened. Your review is great and I was thinking about wanting to get one of these because I love puzzle games, but I also have poor eyesight. I am 25 years old with bi-focals and getting close to that blind without glasses level of prescription, so I am thinking I wouldn’t be able to see the numbers well either and my boyfriend who would also love it sees double vision about 50% of the time.
Anna Tew says
Sounds like they didn’t want a totally honest review 🙂 I love your site
kewkew says
Thanks for the honest review. What a shame the company saw that as not worthy of doing a giveaway. Would have loved to try it out.
Sadie says
This toy sounded great and like something my daughter would truly enjoy. I was ready to purchase the perplexus, until I saw the response from the company. That’s not okay. I’m so sick of bloggers ONLY doing positive reviews!!
Guess I will be finding another brain teaser puzzle type game for her for Christmas. Any suggestions??
Greta says
I saw nothing negative about this review and it actually made me want one. Shocking that the company doesn’t understand that. Their reaction has made me think twice about this brand, though.
Sara Ivy says
I think you did the right thing in not taking that out. I would never accept a product in which the stipulation was I had to give it a positive review. They are already trying to force you into giving a biased opinion.
Also, I wouldn’t even post a review about it, I would merely state a problem without giving any specifics. You’re giving a company that basically ripped you off some press. If your agreement was an item to giveaway for a review then the terms should be upheld regardless of the outcome. Besides, you wouldn’t give something to your readers that you hated or that had a negative impact on you in anyway would you? This is why I would demand the item before the article goes up.
Jody says
I thought your review was very good and positive. It sounded like a game my kids would love, but after the way they treated you I will not be buying this game. You gave a very positive review, I too have a hard time seeing some things, but that is due to my aging eyes :o) That was not a negative about the game, just a statement. Good for you for being honest, we all appreciate that.
Rachel Wright says
You did the right thing. Honestly a company that cant take a little criticism is just making themselves look bad. I would be less likely to buy the product from them, after hearing how they handled this, than I would have been with your review, which really is hardly a negative review at all. they are acting like spoiled toddlers.
Kecia says
As a consumer that enjoys products like this, I am so happy to hear you chose honesty over simply pleasing a company. This brain teaser looked fun but if a brand treats a reviewer like that, I wouldn’t give them my money!!
Tricia says
I agree with you those numbers are Hard to read and in all honesty my glasses are thick but this product honestly has nothing to do with numbers its about rolling that tiny ball around the lanes and getting it from point a to point b. play or don’t play. My kids enjoy enjoy it but it just makes me laugh.
That’s a shame the company wouldn’t let “honest opinions” out but truth be told either you say or someone else thinks it. their option to let you host a giveaway
Melanie S says
I am completely puzzled by the company’s response. No product is perfect, and that (barely) negative comment you included would not have turned me away. Thank you for standing your ground on this. A review that isn’t honest is, obviously, dishonest and not at all helpful.
Sofia says
It is shameful of the company to know be able to take criticism, good or bad. I see no negative points in your review…if you can’t see the freaking numbers you can’t see them, end of discussion!! Not everyone has a 20/20 vision (wish I did, but no). Lying about this isn’t going to make the numbers bigger…right?!
You go girl!! Stick to your guns! 😀
PlaSmart Inc says
Thank you Tina for your honest and candid review and post – we do appreciate it! Also, thank you to all of the Baby Costcutter readers for your feedback – we are listening and we agree with you. Honesty is always the best policy and we apologize that this instance did not properly reflect how much we value it.
We absolutely appreciate our fans and especially those of you that help spread the word about our products through blogs and social media like this. Going forward we will ensure reviewers are not put into this position or made to feel this way. Perplexus is a toy that a lot of people love to hate – but we want to make sure it is for the right reasons. 🙂
Tina, please watch your inbox for a personal message from PlaSmart and thank you again for your review – we are glad you enjoyed Perplexus and apologize for the position we put you in.
Tina says
Thank you! I look forward to your email. 🙂
Tara Funair says
Good for you standing your ground! I would have as well.
Tammy Klain says
Kuddos to you for standing up for the consumers by being honest and letting them know that any review they see for this company should now be questioned on it’s reliability
Wow as a blogger myself if I cannot offer my readers full honesty then my credibility as a fair and honest blogger is all but lost.
If a company would go so far as to “bribe” a blogger to post a good review that is false advertising, and I personally would run from any product that company puts out.
Regina says
If you can’t take a little criticism (the company), they should not ask for a review.
It was minor and apparently they need to get a thicker skin.
Jessie says
I like your honest opinion and love that you defended your honest opinion and would love to know about the companies response email.
Nikki says
Looks like someone higher in the company caught on to this and is at least trying to make it right. Kuddos for that. You were absolutely right for sticking with your original review. It is supposed to be just that, a review, not a straight advertisement. Some companies seem to forget that, as well as bloggers.
Sarah (from MaeGal) says
Way to stand up for yourself!
If the company wants you to LIE on your review, then shame on them for lacking integrity and telling you you need to lie in order to host a giveaway.
heather c. says
Thanks for sticking to your guns! I think it is absurd if this company would not accept this positive review because they thought that one sentence was negative. Seems to me the more productive approach for any business to a statement like yours would be to review whether they need to improve on the particular detail that gave you some difficulty. I see nothing negative there.
Suzi Satterfield says
We’re bloggers. Most of us don’t earn thousands of dollars from the comfort of our own living rooms. Really and truly, all we have is our integrity. Thank you for showing that bloggers are not for sale.
julieann r says
Their desire to be dishonest with their customers is sad and I wouldn’t buy anything from them until I saw that they had changed their business practices.
Mary Walker says
I thought the review was great and I didn’t take anyhing negatively, even about the numbers being too small. If all they are after is a lie then who needs their giveaway anyway. That’s why we do reviews, so people can read them and make their choice by what we say.
Debi Fitzsimmons says
I thought it was a great review. I didn’t consider your comment about the numbers to even be negative. I don’t think it’s very good business for the company to react in such a manner. It doesn’t reflect well on the company image.
Rayven says
Well, I am always on the lookout for puzzle games for my son, and with Christmas around the corner, I would have been all over this one! But I refuse to reward bad behavior (just ask the kids – they hate this policy of mine!) I will be vetoing this company in the future. Seems totally unethical to me.
Shauna Lynn says
Shame on this company. If they don’t want your honest opinion going to your readers then they should do PAID reviews. Like we pay you, but it HAS to be positive. That’s ridiculous. I wanted to get this for my nieces and nephews until they decided to be rude to bloggers. I’m a blogger! I give my honest opinions! If my readers can’t trust me then I don’t want them reading my blog! Geesh!
Deb Ramirez says
I contacted the company and left them a message with my feedback. They were ridiculous to expect you to remove the one teeny negative comment (that was not even said in a negative way.) I told them I will not purchase their products, because I mistrust a company that does not welcome honest reviews.
I don’t know if my little opinion will make a difference, but I did what I could!
Dee Mauser says
In my opinion I feel bloggers should always tell the honest truth in their overall experience with a product no matter if it is positive or negative. Let your readers know the good aspects of the product and in a tactful way, state what could be improved upon. By not stating the truth, you are doing your readers a disservice. I have never came across a product that couldn’t be improved in some way or another. And for a company to want you to hide the truth, shame on them. In my disclaimer I always state that my opinion is my own. My opinions may differ from others. Just because you state something wasn’t the greatest thing since sliced bread doesn’t mean that it is total crap. I leave it up to my readers if they want to try a product I reviewed or not BUT I also want them to know what my experience was first so they are well informed. I appreciate it when I read reviews that are not necessarily 100% positive. I then can decide if I want to take the risk in purchasing the item or not. When I want honest reviews I go to Amazon, or other sites like them because I know people are purchasing the items and they won’t lie. When you buy a product (spending your hard earned money) and you find that it was not worth the money, would you go to a review site or the retailers site (where you purchased the item) and give a 100% positive review? More than likely you wouldn’t because the item was not free and you have nothing to gain. Look at review products as money you’ve earned because you provided a service in exchange for the item. It still wasn’t free, so you have nothing to gain by lying. Some bloggers are afraid to tell the truth because they’re afraid companies won’t work with them. Well, that’s certainly not true. Not all companies are shady. And if they value their products and their name, they will want to know how consumers truly feel about their products (so they can be improved for better quality) and want consumers to be happy so they become return customers. Stand your ground and always be honest. Good for you Tina!
Sandra says
That is a little ridiculous for something that small , but o’well thank you for your honesty!