Does your little furry friend need a gift? We are happy to feature Around the Collar on our 2013 Holiday Gift Guide! They offer a variety of designer leather dog and cat collars, leather dog harnesses, leather leashes and luxury dog carriers and accessories.
You can show off your pets feminine side with lot’s of pink or their masculine side with shades of blue or sparkle with Swarovski Crystal stones! Around the Collar custom makes the collar you want. They handset each Swarovski stone paying close attention to details. Each collar is made using custom died leather to make the custom collar of your choice in color, style and size.
Around the Collar offer several different designs from flowers, bling, bridal, biker and more! You are sure to find the collar to match your pets personality.
We were sent this awesome collar for our cat, Soul Patch. I especially love the elastic section just after the hook. I really think this will make it a lot more comfortable while wearing her collar. She is going to love her Christmas present. 🙂
Make sure to connect with Around the Collar on Facebook and Twitter!
Cynthia Cover says
Love that you can pick the color and customize. Leather is nice, but I am not sure how long that would last compared to the woven fibers out there today. Very Classy though.
Paula V says
Nice collar. I just have the nylon with the clip button…it makes it so easy to get on and off. In two years he’s only had the collar replaced once they hold up so well.
Gale McCarron says
Love the variety with a choice for the sexes. Very stylish and well constructed. Would love to have these for my pets. Thank you!
seams like a good product–but most of time my dog is fussy about collars!!!little turd