Chicken Soup for the Soul Angels Among Us 101 Inspirational Stories of Miracles, Faith, and Answered Prayers by Jack Candield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newmark is a good read. If you want to feel inspired and just all around good about the world….read this book! I have not read the whole book yet but, that is the great thing about this book it is just short stories you can read anytime you need a little inspiration in your day.
“Celestial, otherworldly, heavenly. Whatever the term, sometimes there is no earthly explanation for what we experience, and a higher power is clearly at work. In this book of 101 inspirational stories, contributors share their personal angel experiences of faith, miracles, and answered prayers. You will be awed and inspired by these true personal stories from people, religious and non-religious, about angel guidance, miraculous intervention, and love from beyond.”…
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