Getting a Good Night’s Sleep ~ Tips and Tricks for Parents and Kids
Are you sleep deprived? Here are a few simple tips to help you and your family get enough sleep every night.
Set the mood ~ You want to make sure the lighting, noise level, and temperature are set all at a level comfortable for everyone. If your child or you sleep with some kind of light on make sure it is set very dim. Disturbing noises can be blocked out by using a white noise machine if you live in a noisy city. Keep the home set at a cool comfortable level so everyone can get cozy under their blankets. However, if you have an infant you might want to warm it up a little so that you don’t need to use many blankets.
Establish a regular routine ~ Everyone’s internal clock works better when you have a set schedule. Not only should there be a set bedtime but, the whole family should be on a set routine leading up to bedtime. For example: dinner, bath time, maybe a little family TV time, snack time, bedtime story, then bed. The trick to not to have those in a rush…..make your evenings flow for everyone. If you stick to the same routine every night it is not a shock to anyone that it is time for bed.
Turn off all gadgets ~ We all live in a gadget world! Even my two-year-old has toys that are gadgets. Turn them all off! Some may even need to have them set out of the room so the temptation to check them in the middle of the night is not there. I do have to admit when my cell phone, even on silent mode, is beside my bed at night I do sometimes take a quick glance in the middle of the night. The problem with that is you may see something that stimulates you and you wake to deal with it or think about it.
Comfortable Beds ~ This includes the mattress, bed frames, and sheets. If you have a bed that squeaks or a mattress that is to hard or soft you might want to look for more choices of comfy beds. The sheets and bedding play a very important role in your sleep also. Make sure to know how people like to sleep. For example: I do not like the covers tight on my feet while my husband can not sleep without having the covers pulled tight {yes that is an issue every night lol}.
If you have anymore tips please feel free to comment with them!
Holly Rhone says
this is really good info 😀
Jimmy Arcade says
It’s the routine and turning off gadgets part that is the most challenging. It’s difficult for some people to get into a routine and I’m one of those people. I can usually say no to the gadgets, but it’s not always easy to resist checking one last Instagram post or Facebook comment.
Tina says
lol I know, I am the same way!! It is so much easier said than done. 🙂
Maria Iemma says
I appreciate your tips – it is not often that I get a good night’s sleep.
Michael W Perkins says
Wife has trouble sometimes I’ll pass it along
Tina K. says
Comfortable beds? Pfffttt…I don’t think I’ve ever owned one I consider comfortable…ever.
Terri says
Great tips and info…thank you for sharing
Beeb says
These are good tips, I should implement them for my own sleep schedule, lol! Having a routine really helps a lot.
carla bonesteel says
OH…I am so sleep deprived. I have tried EVERYTHING but can’t seem to stay asleep all night. Not even on medication! Thanks for the tips, but I think it’s just ME. LOL
Elizabeth Towns says
Our issue is keeping to the established bed time that we have set. It’s easy in the summer time because school is out and we don’t have tutoring after school, school activities, family events and therapy or doctor appointments that happen after school is over and run into our scheduled dinner, homework and bedtime routine. It’s a hard balancing act.
Penny Minding Mom says
Sleep is lacking at our house. Turning off the electronics is difficult. I personally use my iPod as a flashlight to get to and from the kiddies rooms and it’s difficult not to just “check in” with the world.
sandra davis says
i’d try anything
Amy says
I’ll admit that I’ve never been a stickler for a routine with either one of my kids when I worked full time. It was difficult to keep up with. I’ve been a stay at home mom for about a month now and I feel like it’s helped my 1 year old so much having a set routine before bed.
tanya devenney says
i could have used some of this info in the past. My kids are now 17 and 22 yrs old
Patricia says
Will definitely be passing on the info to my best friend who’s going to be a new mommy in November!
Christine Halverson says
I usually sleep with a fan on,,for some reason the noise helps me sleep..
Thank you for your great tips and info= )
Joni J Caraway says
We have a window unit in living room that cool the house but I slept better if I have my fan blowing in my room to circulate the air due to my asthma. I love my memory foam mattress topper and my memory foam pillow, they have helped me get a better night rest.
Amy Walker says
Good advice to turn off the gagets! My husband and I keep all phones out of our bedroom.
barbara macaskill says
I am going to pass this on to y son. He has a great deal off trouble getting my 1 year old granddaughter to go to sleep. Once she gets to sleep she sleeps through the night though. TFS!
wb says
Thanks for sharing, sometimes it good to be reminded on the things that have been lost in the busy days, i feel like im always in a rush to get to bed. Once i get there i am stuck for usually at least an hour before i actually get to sleep. Feels like my brain doesn’t know its bed time some days. thanks for the tips!
Tim Dizdarevic says
Good advice, thanks.
Blythe J. says
These gadgets…they do make it hard for all of us to get some sleep. At least we have started turning the tvs off more at night! Its also difficult to set a routine when everyone’s schedule is all over the place. At the same token, this is good advice and these tips are worth a try!
Rachel Beltz says
I think that the hardest of all of these would be setting a routine! Plus it can be the most overlooked when sourcing why your nights sleep isn’t as good as it could be!
Jessica Thompson says
I have struggled with sleeping issues for a long time. I am constantly waking up tired in the mornings with no chance to take a nap with 4 children things get hectic around here. I will be trying some of the suggestions above because this momma needs some sleep.
Julie D says
I’ve found that having a routine is KEY to getting my 5 month old daughter sleeping. Inconsistency really wreaks havoc on their sleep schedule.
Sunnymay says
I believe that having a bedtime routine helps the baby settle down and gives you something to do, so you feel like you’ve accomplished a list (of achievements). Having twins for my first kids, I would get everything done for one and then turn to the other knowing that I gave equal attention and didn’t feel so scattered. If not, I couldn’t remember what I did and felt strappped for time.
Becky Schollian says
Setting the mood & establishing a routine is a must do for me!! Let me tell you I was the sleeping pill queen. For years I thought I had to take a pill to fall asleep and the Dr was giving them to me like candy. One year I had to change Dr’s and it was the best thing that has happened to me!! The new Dr did not believe in using sleeping pills because of the dependency issues. He had me do a three day detox, at home, then introduced me to a program just like this one. I feel so much better, I’m a better mom/G’ma & sleep like a log!! Thanks Baby Costcutters for this post this really works!!
Renee says
Great tips, its good to be reminded of ideas to help us sleep at night. We don’t have a firm nighttime schedule but I’m sure we’d benefit from one. I think turning off gadgets at night is what we struggle with the most, at least myself anyway.
Robin Wilson says
I can fall asleep but have a terrible time staying asleep. I think the TV is a big issue, but I swear I cannot fall asleep without it on.
Sherrie C. says
I don’t get nearly as much sleep as I should and I think some of it is down to not having a set routine and getting older. But it doesn’t help that I have mild insomnia. Especially since I wake up at the slightest noise. I’ve tried just about everything. Relaxing music, no gadgets on, a dark and quiet’s so frustrating. My doctor thinks it’s due to menopause. Gotta love middle age 🙂
nicole dz says
I always turn my phone on vibrate, take a relaxing bath, and read a book instead of watching tv. And I might have a cup of no caffine tea.
Rita Spratlen says
I have never heard of a white noise machine. I will have to check what that means. I like it warm and my husband likes it cooler. I have a lot of covers and he has very little so the bed is always falling apart!! Great tips. I am happy to sleep and I can usually sleep through anything.
Tammy S says
Good tips. We just bought a new bed and it has made a world of difference for both my husband and myself.
joann tompkins winborn says
very informative I need to learn not to eat before bedtime, i would sleep much better..
Ronald G says
This routine and series of steps is not always possible, but they sure would result in a better and longer sleep
debra dubois says
This is great information i can use help with sleep thats for sure. I really appreciate the tips and i enjoyed reading. THANKS!
Deb E says
The Turn off all Gadgets suggestion is easier said than done. It’s a tuffy for even me. It really takes some discipline I think wutg both parents and children.
Gale McCarron says
Great tips for sleeping. Had a scheduled time for my kids each night that worked well in them getting the proper amount of sleep, and me some wind down free time 🙂
Tiffany Scott says
This is really good info. I wish I would have known these tricks when my son was an infant. He had so many sleep issues.
Sarah Hayes says
great tips, esp turning off your gadgets. it does make a big difference to not be on the computer before i go to bed.
Sandra Beeman says
I find that having a cooling pillow helps me to sleep well.
Linda Manns Linneman says
These are some good tips that I can use. Thank you for sharing
Sue M. says
These are great suggestions, especially about setting a routine. Even for people without young children, I still hear the advice about how it’s better for people to wake up at the same time on the weekends instead of sleeping in, since sleeping in makes it harder to fall asleep at your regular time when you have to get up and start your work week again..
Heather Garcia says
I don’t think I have had a good nights sleep in over 7 years. I have a very difficult time falling asleep at night, and when I do sleep I am very aware of every noise. I think I am going to have to leave my cell phone in the kitchen instead of my bedroom.
Lisa Coomer Queen says
These are some really good tips. It’s hard to turn the light off in your head after you’ve been on your electronics all day. We need down time from them!
lisa says
When the kids are small, it’s almost impossible to get a good nights sleep. Mine never would stay in bed. It took well over an hour each telling them to go bed.
rachel cartucci says
Right now I am a terrific sleeper. I sleep peacefully but soon I will be having a newborn so there is no saving me…lol!
Rosanne says
When all else fails especially with jet lag I have to resort to Melatonin. I rarely if ever use a sleep aid.
Caroline says
These are great tips. I think turning off devices is the most difficult to follow.
Fee Roberts says
I believe in having a routine for babies and children. This is great info.
Sue M. says
These are all great suggestions. I know I started making a habit of getting up at the same time every day, including weekends (instead of sleeping in on the weekends) and that really has made a difference as far as my getting a good night’s sleep. Thanks a lot for posting!