How To Make Packing For Kids Easier
Going on a trip is always an exciting occasion. Once you’ve planned which spots to visit, taken care of the financial side and saved on the lodging with promos from Discountrue, finally there comes the time to get ready and pack up. This part actually sometimes proves to be the most difficult one for many, especially if you have children! You want to be sure that you didn’t miss anything important, but won’t be crushed by the weight of your luggage. Now you can make the task much simpler, by dividing your child’s travel needs into the following five categories:
If you have more than one kid, one change of clothes each day for each child should be sufficient. You may want to bring more than one pair of pajamas, however, as sleepwear tends to undergo more wear and tear. Darker clothes are recommended, since they will show less dirt and can be worn more than once. A jacket and a pair of shoes for each child will ensure that they are prepared for any weather conditions that may take place.
Once you’ve packed all of your cosmetics (toothbrush/toothpaste, prescriptions, glasses and the like), you’ll need to pack the children’s cosmetics. Any emergency medication that they could ever need should be included, as well as sunscreen and powdered Pedialyte.
It is important to double check the expiration dates before leaving, as few things are worse than having a sick child and no medication to give them while you are in transit. Finding an open drugstore in a place you are unfamiliar with in the middle of the night is not an endeavor you’ll want to be undertaking.
Children that are still in diapers will require at least five per day. An entire package of wipes is also needed in these scenarios. A sling and an umbrella stroller for smaller children helps immensely, too. Leave your big, fancy stroller at home and get a cheaper one for lugging around.
At least two bottles and/or sippy cups are needed, especially if you are traveling overseas as it might be possible you won’t be able to find them as easily as expected. Favorite foods (especially when going to foreign places) should be packed, in addition to baby food and plastic diaper disposal sacks.
Utility Items
Some powdered laundry detergent can be very helpful in situations where your children have dirtied all of their clothes and are in need of clean ones. Ziploc bags of various sizes tend to come in handy as well, so be sure to stick a few in your luggage.
Creature Comforts
Don’t expect the little ones to entertain themselves. You’ll want to pack some of their favorite toys and games to keep them occupied during the downtime. If they have a favorite bedtime story or a particular blanket that they treasure, bring these too. Is your child into music? An iPod that has already been loaded with their favorite songs can buy some peace and quiet if they become cranky!
gloria patterson says
Great ideas on taking kids on trips……….. my sister in law was always so good about know what to take with them if they were flying.
Sherry Compton says
Good tips. I wouldn’t have thought about powdered detergent. You definitely want to pack enough diapers and some fun items for the kids. Snacks can be helpful too.
Sue M. says
These are very helpful suggestions; I also wouldn’t have thought about getting powdered detergent. Thanks a lot for posting this list!
Amber Ludwig says
Medicines YES! I always forget them!! Lately Ive had to write myself a note lol!!
Sarah L says
I think my mom was very good about packing the right stuff for our trips.
Jeanna Massman says
Traveling with kids is no picnic! We all need all the help we can get!
Jenine says
Good tips! Now that my kids are a little older, I’ve tried printing out a packing list for each of them. I’ve laminated it and attached an erasable marker with velcro. My thought is that it might save me a little hassle rather than doing it myself. It has yet to be tested though. 🙂
Jeanna Massman says
Traveling with children can be difficult. Thanks for the tips on packing.
clojo9372 says
These are great tips! I always make a packing list for myself when I go anywhere. My nieces and nephews have seen me do that and now they’re doing the same thing. 🙂
Dotty J Boucher says
I love your tips and ideas to help, I have never been on a long trip with the little ones but I do plan on it in the next couple of years so this would be helpful.
sihem says
amazing tips thank you