Kiss InstaWave Automatic Curler
This was a fun review item for me to try out for all of you!! The Kiss InstaWave makes it easy to create a salon look at home! I have very straight hair and most of the time I am fine with it. However, there are other times when I want curls. I have been seeing a LOT of women and young ladies/girls out shopping with these perfect curls in their hair and I have been wondering how they do it! I tried with a regular curling iron but they never turned out looking right to me. Plus, I would get my hair tangled and end up pulling a lot of my hair out trying to get the curling iron out of my hair! Err…not happy about that!
So I was thrilled to receive the Kiss InstaWave to review for all of you!
What Is In The Box

In the box you receive the Kiss InstaWave Automatic Curler and the directions manual.
How it Works
Instawave has two settings: Low and High. Use low for looser curls or High for tighter more bouncy curls. All you have to do is place a section of your hair onto the wand (keep it vertical!) and press either left or right on the button and watch as it instantly catches that section of hair and curls it, after 5-10 seconds pull the curler down and you have beautiful curls!
I did a few strands of my hair to show you the difference in my straight hair and then using the Instawave. It is just as easy to use as the video shows you!! Super easy and fast! I will tell you reading the directions I was scared at first. I thought I might get my hair tangled in the wrong way. It does tell you if you get your hair tangled just to turn the button in the opposite direction to untangle. But, it turned out to work just fine. I had no issues and it looks great!
This is really a super easy way to get a salon look at home without having to pay a lot for it in a salon.
Clare Tea ( says
Very cool! I could always use some instant waves. Thanks for the review!
Dorothy Boucher says
nice, although I haven’t used anything in my hair in years this curler is really nice , Iike that the curles are nice and wavy and not bunched up.
MaryJo Tsitouris says
This is a very interesting idea. I haven’t used curling irons in years. I could never get my curls even, one side was always way different than the other side or somehow just looked uneven. I would like to try this! Thanks for sharing!
Maria Iemma says
I need this. My hair is very straight and fine and the curls look awesome
Saundra McKenzie says
What a wonderful idea. I need this for my hair.
Karren Haller says
Perfect waves, this looks like a create new hair tool!!!
Dorothy Hubbard says
My daughter-in-law would love this for Christmas.
Hannah P says
Pretty sure this is going on my wishlist 🙂
Irene Lirette says
I love this! I sure could use one of these..never can do anything with my hair!
Ruth Griffeth says
I would love to get something like this for my hair, it seems to be a really easy way to curl my hair.
margaret franks duncan says
I like the way this works,looks a lot easer then the curling irons and no tangle ups.
Illy Junus says
Very interesting idea and would love to try it, since i have a very fine hair and straight too
rebretta says
Love this! Wonder if it works on shorter hair?
Judy Schechter says
Wow, those curls look gorgeous! This is definitely a product I want to put on my WishList since I can’t afford it right now. I have stick straight hair and I just love curly hair!
Lindsey L says
I need this for my hair! Looks awesome!!
lisa says
My hair is naturally very wavy. This would be nice to give my hair some definition.
Julie Simpson says
This looks like a dream but the majority of these types of products are not made for black hair. The commercials use Latinas or mixed race women so it looks great for people who can use it.
Ashley D. says
Oooh I can’t believe I just saw this now. I need to try this out, I always have to put my hair in rollers overnight, tease it and use lots of hairspray, then re-curl anything out of place with a curling iron – all just so I can get wavy curls.
lisa says
Thanks for the review. . My daughter has fine hair this would be great on hair.
Wendy G. says
Awesome curling iron. I could really use this to get curls that are that have some definition. It looks so much easier than my current iron that has me all arms.
Sue M. says
I have naturally curly hair so I wouldn’t need to use myself but I have friends who have straight hair who I would recommend this to; thanks for posting!
clojo9372 says
My mother would love this! She has dead-straight hair and she hates it. This is a great idea for Mother’s Day!! Thanks a lot! 😉
Amy Green says
I have got to get this for my mom and my sisters. They are constantly doing their hair, and despite having traditional curlers and also curling irons, are never completely happy with the results. This looks like a quality product that actually works!