I like for my kids to look nice when we go out. To be honest really I could care less when we are at home! If they are just running around the house or in the backyard I would prefer it not to be in nice clothes. There have been times when we just run to the store and I let them wear whatever.
Then you get into those ages were they want to dress themselves! Now, does it hurt or help their self-esteem to let them dress themselves? I am not really sure myself. What happens if you do let them and what they have picked out is just horrible, in your opinion. Do you let them wear it? Does it do more damage to their self-esteem to have you say something to them or take the risk of a bully saying something?
So, I would like to know what all of you think? Do your kids need to be in luxury kids clothing when you go out? Do you pick them out or do you let them dress themselves?
There are so many different opinions out there on this one! Growing up I actually do not remember one time hearing from my parents that I could not wear an outfit. They were very supportive of my clothing decisions. However, I do remember having friends who’s parents would criticize what they would wear. Thinking back I do believe I had the higher self-confidence. My friends my have actually been dressed better than me but, I felt confident in my choices.
It is very clear that parents and kids do not always see eye-to-eye on clothing choices though. Of course with my two year old I have it very easy ~ I pick out the clothes. My seven year old is my very expressive child! He has always loved to pick out his own clothes but, I do try to guide him on items that match or colors that maybe should not go together.
Then, we have our fourteen year-old!! He is in that middle of the road stage before he really cares about what he is wearing. Well, I take that back….I have seen him dress very nice to important events. He takes his time and really wants the outfit to look nice. Then there are other days he walks out of the house wearing wrinkled clothes and does not care one bit!
Do you let your kids dress themselves? What guidelines do you set?
Kathy wilson says
I always let me kids pick their clothes but always made sure it was weather applicable.
Heather Garcia says
I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old. When my 5 year old was in kindergarten, I chose her clothes ( or gave her different options I picked out) we did struggle a bit she only wanted to wear skirts and dresses, and I wanted her to wear jeans when it was cold. A skirt with jeans underneath is compromise 🙂 Now my 3 year old is not yet in school so she picks out her clothes. She too is a only skirts and dresses kinda girl. She did go through a phase where she wanted to wear a dress up dress and click clicks, glad that phase is over 🙂
I think it’s great to do both, choose them at times and if wanted, allow the child(ren) to pick out his/her’s outfit. They may pick out something that looks crazy or inappropriate for the current weather, like Tina said, just compromise, guide and teach. Communication is key. Don’t just say do this and end of story. Most times kids will work with you if you explain why it’s not the best choice and show them what and why something works better. My kids use to pick some out some doozies; mixed-match colors, patterns, footsies in the winter, a favorite sweater in 90 degrees. lol I learned to put away their clothes seasonally to avoid the latter. I organized their dressers & closets by color and separated play-clothes from the “good stuff.” I emphasized us working together to choose clothes that were comfortable and made them happy to wear. Most of all I tried to be patient and have fun with them. 🙂
Sherry Compton says
Some of both is important. Kids need to have some independence, ability to express themselves and to make some decisions. There are times hey need to dress a certain way or at least match. Try giving hem the choice between several outfits o letting them choose whatever socks they want – even mismatching- with your choice of shirt.